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Student Credit Cards 101Student Credit Cards 101 is a great article with the information you will need when applying for a student credit card. Topics include how to apply, terms and conditions, what to do once you receive your card, and how to handle your student credit card. How to Apply It is possible to apply for credit cards online with a secure webpage, over the phone, at a financial institution, or at college functions at which credit cards are offered. It may be convenient to have the student's bank account and credit card at the same institution, or to set up the student with the same company that other family members use. In any case, it is likely to require you to provide several different kinds of information:
Terms and Conditions If you are filling out an application and do not have to verify that you've read the terms and conditions, you should locate them and read them any way. No matter what the advertisement, poster, or representative told you, it is the terms and conditions that detail exactly what you're signing up for, so you must read it and - if you do get the card - print a copy and keep it in a safe place so you can refer to it if necessary. Once You Have Your Credit Card There are several important things to do when you receive your credit card.
Handling Your Credit Card Your credit card is a key piece of identifying information and the door to your funds. It being in someone else's possession other than yours could spell a very, very serious problem. It should be kept in your wallet or the equivalent along with other crucial financial and personal information, such as your driver's license and your ATM card. This would also be a good time to review the article "Managing Your Credit Balance" to help you make some overarching plans for how you will fit your credit card into your life. Setting up a system for yourself that ensures that you don't overspend, can pay the full balance each month, and are always aware of when your payment is due so you can make sure it's on time will serve you well as you learn to live with the financial capabilities that your card enables.
Related Article: Managing Your Credit Card Balance >>
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